The fundamental error our civilization makes, even in positing an entity called “nature,” is the necessity of defining it by contrast to concepts like “culture,” “the economy,” or “humanity.”
But this is balderdash!
We and our inventions are now, and always have been, a part of, and not apart from, “nature.” The (socially constructed) concept of “nature” denies this basic, demonstrable fact. Our inventions, however complex, are every bit as “natural” as birds’ nests or ant colonies—both examples of altering our environments to serve our own interests and needs. It is instructive, in this regard, to note that no indigenous (pre-agriculture) tribe I know of even has a word for what we (heirs of the Agro-industrial civilization) call “nature.” They see themselves as part of their ecosystem, not apart from it.
So the very concept of “nature,” however defined, reveals our fundamental alienation from our own biological support systems. And like every other extraordinarily successful species, we won’t last long, since we have already gone into overshoot and collapse.