The one problem with all “Left” proposals (all variations on the theme of “storm the castle on the hill and redistribute the gold to all us peasants”) is…how?? THEY have all the money, all the guns, all the police and military, and above all, all the mass media with which to brainwash us peasants with 24/7 advertising and other distractions, such that the “working class” fall in line behind every corporate-funded fascist demagogue (e.g. Trump, Putin, Orban…) who comes along. If a Revolution is to happen, it will have to be from the bottom up, not the top down, through the viral dissemination of effective ways to unplug ourselves from Glomart: growing gardens, growing community, growing awareness. This is why Permaculture has been called “revolution disguised as gardening.” The super rich depend on the money WE spend. Create and disseminate alternatives to spending that money and they will wither away while we Gaians plant the seeds of a relocalized, adaptive future amidst the charred ruins of Glomart all around us, like fireweed taking root in a burnt forest…