This is a terrifyingly accurate assessment of our options at this point, as our constitutional foundations disintegrate. I hope and pray that Biden wins by a decisive landslide majority, of course, but as you observe, even this will not ensure a smooth transition to normality. Our social fabric--the civility and consensus that is a prerequisite to democracy--has deteriorated so far already that I see little ahead but division and strife, even if (God willing) we finally get rid of Trump. If he "wins" or succeeds in pulling off a Supreme Court-supported coup d'etat (as GW Bush did), all bets are off. At that point, we must all study Gandhi and Gene Sharp's "From Dictatorship to Democracy"--and dig in for a long, protracted struggle: a total commitment to, and training in, Satyagraha, or collective nonviolent refusal to cooperate with evil...