What appalls me is the 2018 Nobel Prize for this guy! It shows clearly how blind our elites are to reality. Economists rely on mathematical calculations to derive their conclusions, but mathematics is entirely deductive, meaning that any conclusions we draw depend entirely on the correspondence of the premises, or presuppositions, to reality. Yet the underlying presuppositions of conventional economic theory are demonstrably false: (1) that humanity is separate from, and has “dominion” over, the natural world, which has no economic value at all except as a “resource” that can be turned into commodities for the market; and (2) that endless growth of population, production, and consumption is both possible and essential on a finite living planet. Both premises are blatantly counter factual, and so any conclusions drawn from these premises are utterly delusional. If global policies continue to be predicated on such arrant nonsense, we are doomed.