What astounds me most about these “Christian” nationalists abjectly kowtowing to Trump as America’s divinely appointed “savior” is that Trump is a perfect Antichrist; in both words and actions, he is the logical antithesis of EVERYTHING that Jesus preached and practiced, as reflected in the synoptic Gospels.
When asked what it all boils down to, in all three gospels, Jesus answers the same exact thing: Love God, and love your neighbor as yourself. And these two are the same.
When asked “who is my neighbor” his answer is unequivocally expressed in the Parable of the Good Samaritan. The Samaritans were, after all, the marginalized “others” of the time: the Palestinians of the West Bank ( the modern name of biblical Samaria, ironically enough!)
Now compare this core ethical doctrine of Jesus to Trump. He loves only himself—he is his own god. And he preaches HATRED of the “other,” whether Palestinian, Mexican, or Black, or simply “lib’rul.” His daily behavior maps perfectly onto the Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, Envy, Avarice, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth, and—above all—pussy-grabbing Lust!