When Hamas launched its ghastly and depraved attack on innocent Israeli men, women, and children, I was sickened and appalled, like anyone else with a shred of decency. And I empathize entirely with the grief and rage felt by the Israeli population. But since then, Israel has squandered the empathy and good will it had from most of the world by its current and relentless collective punishment of the entire population trapped in Gaza, and its persistent land grabs and brutality in the West Bank. The Israeli army has now murdered up to ten times the number of Palestinian civilians as Hamas murdered Israeli citizens—both indiscriminately murdering men, women, and children alike. There is no “right” and “wrong” side here. To condemn the murderous behavior of the other side while rationalizing your own side’s mass murder is the worst kind of hypocrisy. I’m sick of the self-serving doggerel of both sides!