While teaching at a community college in the latter part of my career, I discovered that many students, and even some of my colleagues, could not distinguish between "education" and "training." Training is essential, if one needs the practical skills necessary to pursue a trade or start a business. But it should not be confused with education, which derives from e(x) + ducere, meaning "to lead out..." To lead out of what? Ignorance--not of "how" but also of "why." The latter comprises, of course, the sciences and the humanities (including history and the arts) and is open-ended. Unlike training, education demands critical thinking and critical inquiry. And this is what is lacking when a large portion of the voting population only learned "how" to do things, and never "why" things are the way they are. The "lumpenproletariat" (i.e. those who know how, but not why--all the way from auto mechanics and truck drivers to corporate executives) are therefore easily manipulated by religious fanatics and political charlatans like Trump and DeSantis...