Who are "they"? All Palestinians? I strongly doubt it. Such broad generalizations are nothing but bigotry. Useless hatred, that is.
After you have let go of the idiotic, bigoted notion that ALL Palestinians are evil (which is just a mirror image of their presumed attitude toward you), you might be ready to ask the next, more difficult quesition: WHY do so many of them hate you so much? It's not " because you are Jewish;" this persecution complex is getting tiresome. It is because you are brutally murdering tens of thousands of men, women, and children who have no escape and are looking at mass starvation. Because your ancestors seized their ancestors' land and drove them all into refugee camps. And because you have continued to grab their land to create illegal settlements in the little land they have left--the West Bank. Because you have created a brutal apartheid regime where they are subject to checkpoints everywhere they go, simply because of what they are, not who they are. Why wouldn't they hate you?
The next step would be to ask a still more difficult question: What can or should we do about all this? The easiest answer to this would be to follow the advice of Yuval Noah Harari, your country's most celebrated public intellectual: Abandon your storylines, your self-serving fictions. Realize that you all have the same basic needs and desires: peace, security, and basic human rights, including the right to the rule of law, and the right to have a say over those that make policies which affect you adversely. In other words, something like the nation envisioned in the Declaration of Independence, where "All men are created equal," with basic rights to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" secured by a government whose "just power" is derived from "consent of the governed"--ALL those, that is, affected by the policies of the government. Is this so difficult?