With all due respect, this article is neoromantic claptrap. It could have been written by Shelley in 1830 (and made some sense then) or later, by a parodic, obsessive character from Dostoyevsky. But today? faggedaboudit. What is this "authentic self" you are prating about??
The simple fact is this: our global industrial civilization is collapsing--fast--as is our biological support system, the living Earth, on which our fossil-fuel-based civilization has become a terminal cancer.
There is no future left--or if there is, it will be a hellscape I would not wish on anyone. My only advice for your generation is to let go of all this empty and self-indulgent theorizing, and instead, grow gardens, grow community, and grow awareness. If anyone survives this collapse, it will be those who have learned how to grow their own food, regenerate their topsoil, build friendships and alliances, learn, teach, heal, and create.