You are wasting your time trying to "answer" Christian apologists. Both Christians and Atheists share a common logical flaw: they are arguing for or against a proposition (the existence of God) that neither can possibly prove or disprove, or even define in a manner that would gain any consensus from the communities that either embrace or spurn that concept. Or as Romeo says after Mercutio's drunken rant about "Queen Mab," "Peace, Mercutio, thou talkst of nothing..." Hence I have no time for either Christian apologists or atheists. "God" is simply a name--a personification, historically evolved in some cultures, for the Sacred. And the Sacred can be felt, but not defined. As Louis Armstrong said when some white reporter asked him to define Jazz, "if you have to ask, you'll never know." The same goes for "the sacred" or "God" or "the Dharma" or "the Tao" or any other words we've invented to express an intuited Great Mystery, rather than an idea.