You assume that the Kamala you knew in the past is the same as Kamala today. But people change and evolve with experience. I disagree with her on fracking as well, but I also understand that she--like every other politician--is utterly beholden to big money--fossil fuel interests in particular--for their financial support, and that she has no choice but to buy into the dominant (though blatantly illusory) economic dogma that endless "growth" is essential, or even possible, on a flinte planet.
But, given the constraints of the Two Party system, we have only two choices:
(1) an intelligent, capable, experienced, charismatic, and decent, caring candidate with whom we may have some disagreements--or (2) a deranged, poisonously racist psychopath who is contemptuous of democracy and the rule of law, seeks absolute, dictatorial power, spews nothing but lies and hatred, and considers the planet's worst despots (Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Viktor Orban) as his role models. This is not a time to be kvetching about Kamala's (mostly past) shortcomings!