You have a worthy project in general, but there seems to be a missing piece, inherent in your choice of the rather ugly term "personal ruggedization." It implies a self-centered, survivalist approach to the climate catastrophe, i.e."looking out for Number 1."
But what about...building community? None of us alone has or will have all the knowledge, skills, experience, and resilience we will need to survive in a chaotic, unpredictable, disintegrative world. But we can emphasize working together, taking care of each other, and expanding our circle of interdependence to include more and more people around us, This is why my own fledgling initiative is to spawn neighborhood garden guilds, where people who live within walking or bicycling distance from each other start now, meeting periodically to grow gardens, grow community, d grow awareness--by learning, teaching, healing, and creating, and sharing what they've learned with others nearby, I can't think of a more secure and resilient hedge against encroaching chaos than contiguous networks of neighborhood garden guilds, sharing food, care, and information with one another on a regular basis.