You have an excellent observation, well worth our attention. I wish, however, that you would curb your relentless self-promotion, and instead of constantly citing your own and others writings, simply make your point clearly, and unadorned: that collectively, our global industrial civilization is inexorably headed over a cliff, so that each of us (not, that is, the agency error of “all of us”) need to fast-forward as best we can through the stages of denial, bargaining, and anger to acceptance. Acceptance for me means growing gardens (to keep myself fed as long as possible); growing community (to teach what I’ve learned about regenerative gardening and learn what others have to teach me); and grow awareness (of the fact that in a catastrophically collapsing global civilization, awareness of reality, community solidarity, and adaptive resilience are essential for those who aspire to survive the collapse and give their children the possibility of a future worth living for.)