Your story broke my heart. What kind of society would think that criminalizing and jailing mentally disturbed people is a good idea? Only a sick and twisted society!
I have no expertise whatsoever in mental health, so I will not presume to give you any advice. But there seems to be something terribly amiss in our shared presuppositions about mental illness. Both pharmaceutical and criminalizing approaches to this vexing issue seem terribly misguided.
I have no easy answers. But I am convinced that our basic personality types are as integral to who we are as the shapes and sizes of our toes. Our shared challenge is to find niches where we can thrive, based on our (entirely random) genetic inheritance, and learn, however painfully and incompletely, to love and forgive ourselves and others as well. I only wish we had loving refuges for emotionally disturbed people, sort of like medieval monasteries, but without the ideological baggage and coercion. Blessings upon you🙏