You’re right. The situation is dire. While we must continue to resist—and VOTE!—to stop this monster from devouring our democracy, we must also prepare for the worst case scenario: his “election” (i.e. seizure of power and ensuing dictatorship).
My best suggestion here is to form local Satyagraha study groups, studying and applying the arts of nonviolent noncooperation with evil, as developed and practiced by Gandhi, King, Mandela, Havel, Wangari Maathai, Vandana Shiva, and others: speaking truth to power, organizing mass nonviolent resistance to tyranny, and practicing self-reliance and stoicism in undercutting the corporate oligarchy that props up the Trumpian tyranny. Remember that a Satyagrahi knows no defeat—only setbacks. As Bob Marley once sang, “The truth is an offense, but not a sin.” So let us go forth— mindfully, strategically, relentlessly.