You’re right, of course. The last election was the “event horizon” of a black hole—the point of no return for the (former) USA. Ahead of us lies an accelerating and irreversible downward spiral into oligarchic tyranny, civil strife, and chaos. We can all kiss goodbye to the whole idea of government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” That dream just perished from this country, and is declining rapidly throughout the Earth. What can we do?
We have four choices: denial, delusion, despair, or determination. Only the latter is adaptive, however. Determination to do what?
1. Resist nonviolently
2. Speak truth to power.
3. Grow self-reliance, community, and solidarity.
The very idea of violent resistance is a fool’s errand when THEY have all the money, media, and firepower to annihilate us. Besides, violence leads only to hatred, which leads to more violence, accelerating the downward spiral into ruin.
So we all need to study and practice the arts of nonviolent resistance to evil—the way of Gandhi, King, Mandela, and many others. And do it all mindfully, strategically, and relentlessly—letting go of attachments to outcomes, but never, ever giving up.